Completing the MK Indy Engine Install, including the gearbox with a new Exedy clutch, into my MK Indy RX-5 kit car for the first time.
MK Indy Engine Rebuild
Rebuilding the Mazda MX-5 Mk2.5 NB2 engine ready to be installed in my MK Indy RX-5, including coolant reroute.
MK Indy Rear Arches Fitting – I Messed Up!
Fitting the MK Indy wheels and rear arches, but I messed up and needed additional work to try and fix the problem!
MK Indy Steering Rack and Column Fitting
Fitting the MK Indy steering rack, steering column and steering wheel with the Momo IVA compliant collapsible boss.
MK Indy Brakes and Front Suspension Fitting
Fitting the MK Indy Brakes and Front Suspension including the servicing and refurbishment of the brake calipers.
MK Indy Side Panels Fitting and Rear Tub
Fitting the side panels and the rear tub to my MK Indy RX-5 kit car including cutting the correct holes and bonding on the panels.
MK Indy Rear Suspension Fitting
Assembly of the MK Indy RX-5 rear suspension including wishbones, shocks, driveshafts and rear uprights/ hubs.
MK Indy Seat Fitting
Preparing and test fitting the GRP high-sided MK Indy seats to my MK Indy RX-5 kit car with adjustable rails.
MK Indy RX-5 Kit Car Collection Day
Collection day for my MK Indy RX-5 kit from MK Sportscars. A description of the day for finally collecting my kit car!
Painting the Mazda MX-5 Engine
Painting the Mazda MX-5 Engine in VHT aluminium silver paint. Including primer, silver enamel colour and clear gloss top coat.